How to find the index where a number belongs in an array in JavaScript

 Photograph by Claudel Rhea ult on Un splash

Arranging is a vital idea while composing calculations. There are a wide range of sorts: bubble sort, shell sort, block sort, brush sort, mixed drink sort, elf sort — I'm not making these up!

This challenge gives us a brief look into the magnificent universe of sorts. We need to sort a variety of numbers from least to most noteworthy and find out where a given number would have a place in that exhibit.

Calculation guidelines

Return the most reduced record at which a worth (second contention) ought to be embedded into a cluster (first contention) whenever it has been arranged. The returned worth ought to be a number.

For instance, getIndexToIns([1,2,3,4], 1.5) ought to return 1because it is more noteworthy than 1 (file 0), yet under 2 (record 1).

Similarly, getIndexToIns([20,3,5], 19) ought to return 2because once the exhibit has been arranged it will look like [3,5,20] and 19 is under 20 (file 2) and more noteworthy than 5 (record 1).

If Test Cases

get Index To Ins([10, 20, 30, 40, 50], 35) ought to bring 3 back.

get Index To Ins([10, 20, 30, 40, 50], 35) ought to return a number.

get Index To Ins([10, 20, 30, 40, 50], 30) ought to bring 2 back.

get Index To Ins([10, 20, 30, 40, 50], 30) ought to return a number.

get Index To Ins([40, 60], 50) ought to bring 1 back.

get Index To Ins([40, 60], 50) ought to return a number.

get Index To Ins([3, 10, 5], 3) ought to bring 0 back.

get Index To Ins([3, 10, 5], 3) ought to return a number.

get Index To Ins([5, 3, 20, 3], 5) ought to bring 2 back.

get Index To Ins([5, 3, 20, 3], 5) ought to return a number.

get Index To Ins([2, 20, 10], 19) ought to bring 2 back.

get Index To Ins([2, 20, 10], 19) ought to return a number.

get Index To Ins([2, 5, 10], 15) ought to bring 3 back.

get Index To Ins([2, 5, 10], 15) ought to return a number.

get Index To Ins([], 1) ought to bring 0 back.

get Index To Ins([], 1) ought to return a number.

Arrangement #1: .sort( ), .index Of( )


Grasping the Problem: We have two information sources, an exhibit, and a number. We want to return the list of our feedback number after it is arranged into the info exhibit.

Models/Test Cases: The great individuals at free Code Camp don't let us know in what direction the info exhibit ought to be arranged, yet the gave experiments clarify that the info cluster ought to be arranged from least to most prominent.

Notice that there is an edge case on the last two gave experiments where the info cluster is a vacant exhibit.

Information Structure: Since we're eventually returning a file, staying with clusters will work for us.

We will use a clever technique named .index Of():

.index Of() returns the main file at which a component is available in an exhibit, or a - 1 in the event that the component is absent in any way. For instance:

let food = ['pizza', 'frozen yogurt', 'chips', 'sausage', 'cake']

food. index Of('chips')

// brings 2 back

food .index Of('spaghetti')

// returns - 1

We're likewise going to utilize .concat () here rather than .push(). Why? Since when you add a component to a cluster utilizing .push (), it returns the length of the new exhibit. At the point when you add a component to a cluster utilizing .concat (), it returns the new exhibit itself. For instance:

let cluster = [4, 10, 20, 37, 45]

array .push(98)

// brings 6 back

array. con cat (98)

// returns [4, 10, 20, 37, 45, 98]


Embed num into arr.

Sort arr from least to most prominent.

Return the record of num.

Code: See underneath!

Without nearby factors and remarks:

Arrangement #2: .sort( ), .find Index ( )


Figuring out the Problem: We have two data sources, an exhibit, and a number. We want to return the record of our feedback number after it is arranged into the information exhibit.

Models/Test Cases: The great individuals at free Code Camp don't let us know in what direction the information cluster ought to be arranged, however the gave experiments clarify that the information exhibit ought to be arranged from least to most prominent.

There are two edge cases to consider with this arrangement:

In the event that the information cluster is unfilled, we really want to return 0 in light of the fact that num would be the main component in that exhibit, in this way at record 0.

In the event that num would have a place at the finish of arr arranged from least to most noteworthy, then, at that point, we want to return the length of arr.

Information Structure: Since we're at last returning a file, staying with exhibits will work for us.

We should checkout .find Index() to find out how it's turning out to assist with tackling this test:

.find Index() returns the record of the principal component in the exhibit that fulfills the gave testing capability. In any case, it returns - 1, demonstrating no component finished the assessment. For instance:

let numbers = [3, 17, 94, 15, 20]

numbers .find Index ((current Num ) => current Num % 2 == 0)

// brings 2 back

numbers. find Index((current Num) => current Num > 100)

// returns - 1

This is valuable as far as we're concerned on the grounds that we can utilize .find Index() to contrast our feedback num with each number in our feedback arr and sort out where it would fit all together from least to most noteworthy.


Assuming that arr is an unfilled exhibit, bring 0 back.

If num has a place toward the finish of the arranged exhibit, return the length of arr.

In any case, return the file num would be on the off chance that arr was arranged from least to most noteworthy.

Code: See underneath!

Without nearby factors and remarks:

In the event that you have different arrangements and additionally ideas, kindly offer in the remarks!

This article is a piece of the series free Code Camp Algorithm Scripting.

This article references free Code Camp Basic Algorithm Scripting: Where do I Belong.

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